All About Lovebird

Did You Know?

Agapornis is a genus that includes lovebirds and actually forms a group within the family. These parrots have relatively smaller body sizes as compared to many other parrot species. Lovebirds often develop serious lasting relationships that involves no roaming around looking for a partner for each other rather staying faithful to each other. Indeed, there exist nine […]

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Lovebird natural immunity booster name CAMOMILE

Lovebird natural immunity booster name CHAMOMILE

Lovebird natural immunity booster name CHAMOMILE People often use chamomile tea or chamomile flowers as a naturally alternative for improving their immune system. It is worth mentioning, however, that birds have unique physiological mechanisms which might make them react differently as compared to humans even towards similar substances.              

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Lovebird food

LOVEBIRD FOOD The lovebirds will need a well-balanced diet with different vegetables since they have to get everything. Here are some essential vegetables for lovebirds along with their complete nutrition information per 100 grams: 1. Green Peas: – Calories: 81 – Carbohydrates: 14.5g – Protein: 5.4g – Fat: 0.4g – Fiber: 5.1g – Vitamins: Vitamin A;

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